
Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a Nutritionist?

    Nutritionist are uniquely qualified by degree to translate scientific information about food into practical dietary advice. As well as providing impartial advice about nutrition and health, nutritionists also advise about food related problems and treat disease and ill health. Many nutritionists may work in one or more specialist areas, e.g. diabetes, children's health, cancer, whilst others work with people in the community, often visiting them in their own homes. They are a key part of the healthcare team. There are also a wide range of opportunities for nutritionists such as the food industry, sports, scientific research, public health and journalism.
  • What is the difference between a dietitian and nutritionist?

    Nutrition is the study of nutrients in food, how nutrients are used by the body, and the relationship between diet, health and disease. Most of the major food manufacturers and retailers employ nutritionists and food scientists but opportunities also arise in journalism, research and education. There are a variety of careers within the field of food science and technology. Many nutritionists hold a nutrition degree and are on the UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists, but this is not a mandatory register.

    Dietetics is the interpretation and communication of the science of nutrition to enable people to make informed and practical choices about food and lifestyle, in both health and disease. A dietitian will have trained in both hospital and community settings as part of their course. Most dietitians are employed in the NHS, but dietitians also work in the food industry, education, research and on a freelance basis. It is necessary to have a Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) recognised degree in nutrition and dietetics to work as a dietitian and to be registered with the HCPC if working as a dietitian.

  • What are the career prospects?

    Career prospects are mainly in the National Health Service, food industry, education, research, health promotion, sports nutrition and the media. There is every opportunity for your career to progress in a way that suits your individual strengths and interests. There are many opportunities for working in dietetics across the UK and abroad and in a wide range of specialisms.
  • How can I gain work experience in a dietetic department?

    We would advise you to contact your local dietetic department through your local hospital/s and ask to speak to the dietetic manager. A list of hospitals in your local area can be found.
  • Can a ACI Certificated Nutritionist work with individual clients?

    Yes, ACI Certificated Nutritionists are able to work with individual clients and many do so, providing support on following healthy diets, achieving goals such as weight management or in aiding sports performance etc. However, it must be noted that dietary advice should not be given in relation to a pre-existing medical condition(s). Individuals requiring dietary support for their pre-existing medical condition should normally be referred to a regulated health professional. ACI Certificated Nutritionists may work with such individuals in respect to their pre-existing medical condition only under the supervision of an appropriately qualified healthcare professional such as a GP or a dietitian. ACI Certificated Nutritionists may work independently with individuals with pre-existing medical conditions, providing the advice and support they are providing is not in respect to their medical condition and does not contraindicate with the management of their medical condition. Usually this will require the ACI Certificated Nutritionist to work in collaboration with the healthcare professional managing the medical condition and/or alongside the Dietitian leading the dietary aspects of a treatment/management plan.

Authorization Letter

Authorization  Letter

To all whom this may concern:

This certification is valid from

Richard Davis